May 31Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

Lovely clip at the end! One angle of the natural world breaking through the virtual.

I'm doing Dougald Hine's "Regrowing a Living Culture" call series right now, which has me on that Zoom call Friday mornings at 4:15am. This morning's talk was interrupted by the eerie yowl of a nearby band of coyote, another example that brought me back to ground in a sense.

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Everything was so lush on that walk the other night. I stood in that spot for a long time and then recorded it. I love the little pewee calling.

We sometimes hear coyotes yipping from down at the cul de sac at the end of our street, what a sound! I wish I had the bandwidth to join that series, but it’s not happening now. I’ve had a real challenge trying to get to DBB’s Roman’s series and am really missing it. Glad he has them recorded!

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May 31Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

Such a lovely reflection on how nature and careful observation bring peace to troubled times.

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Thank you Larry! How was your ride on the GAP?? I bet you experienced many beautiful moments along the way!

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The ride was amazing, particularly the part through the forest of the Ohiopyle State Park along the Youghiogheny River.

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May 31Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

I wish you peace and a bit of time to find it. Thanks for the reminder!

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Thank you Noemi! Things are lightening up a little this coming week and I am looking forward to some stillness.

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Jun 1Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

Thank you Michelle - your writing brought some peace to my mind and heart after a very full, long and somewhat challenging day❤️

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I’m so glad my words were helpful in even a small way! ❤️ Thank you for sharing that, Sallie 😘

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Jun 1Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

How right you are and thank you for your lovely clip - I could have listened for the rest of this day! I have just retired fr9m a full on working life and now feel a little lost but I want to channel my energies into voluntary work with wildlife and conservation somehow so your emphasis on reconnecting ourselves but also help others is a strong one. Thank you xx

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A dear friend of mine is aptly referring to her retirement as a “re-wirement”. Congratulations on your re-wirement, Kerry! It sounds like you have some generous and wonderful plans, tending to what you are passionate about. This world will benefit from your newfound time. Thank you 🙏 💚

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Thank you so much. Your words and clarifying my new path. I am in Mallorca, Spain at the moment doing some nature watching so taking time to reboot my life and mind. I hope it works and if not then the scenery and nature is here in any event. Have a great day 😊💐

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Jun 4Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

I am doing okay, thank you. And today my heart is sleepy. We do tend to shortchange ourselves when it comes to rest. We cut corners on sleep hours and we leap from one thing to the next to get more done. Or even worse, cutting shavasana to a few short busy-minded breaths so I can get on to the next thing. Thanks for the encouragement, the empathy and the reminders to take rest, Michelle. Love love love, right back to you!

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Deep breaths . . . Much love to you Susan 😘❤️🙏✨

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