Jun 16Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

This entry arrives at a perfect, poignant moment in our health journey with Veronica. Thank you for your words, and for placing a resource in front of us that may help her manage her suffering with a little more ease. You continue to impact this Roeper family. ❤️❤️❤️

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Christine, I’m so sorry to hear that Veronica is experiencing some health challenges and hope that she is on the road to recovery. ❤️ Thinking of you, too. It is so hard when your child isn’t well, whatever age they are. 🫶 That little book is a gem!

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Jun 16Liked by Michelle Berry Lane

Michelle and all your readers/listeners - This is such a wonderful combination of essay, poetry, revelation. It drew/draws me into the feeling/awareness that my Beloved Guru , Adi Da Samraj inspires. How wonderful it is how your science knowledge and teaching blends so seamlessly with your “heart knowing”. Adi Da speaks of “prior unity” that is the true Reality of our existence, and to which we can and must awaken. It is something that “seeking for” is fruitless; “awakening to” is what is needed. Your piece served that for me. 🙏🏻❤️

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Elizabeth, so wonderful to hear from you! 💖 Thank you so much for your sweet comment and attention to my work! It is easy for me to get sucked into a whirlwind of activity and when that happens it helps to have a kind of “external unifying center” to find my way back to calm—like spending time with a slowly moving snail, or being reminded by a friend. Love to you! 😘

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I love this, Michelle--the images/video clips of the snail, but mostly your words. This is an important message to all of us in the midst of busy and often chaotic lives. Nature's wisdom needs more of our attention, and what better example is there but the beauty of the steady and gentle movements of one of its most beautiful creatures. This is refreshing and calming. Thank you!

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